Gastric balloon

Endoscopic balloon implantation Dr. med. Thomas Brunk Gastroenterology Berlin What is a bariatric balloon? The bariatric balloon is a soft, silicone-based device that is inserted endoscopically (through the mouth) into the stomach and then filled with a sterile saline...

Colorectal cancer screening

Colorectal cancer screening Dr. med. Thomas Brunk Gastroenterology Berlin Why is bowel cancer screening important? Colorectal cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in Germany. Bowel cancer often develops from polyps that can grow in the bowel. These polyps...

Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases

Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases Dr. med. Thomas Brunk Gastroenterology Berlin What are inflammatory bowel diseases? Chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CIBD) is a disease in which the bowel is inflamed permanently or in episodes. The most common forms are...

Bravo™ reflux test system

Bravo™ reflux test system Dr. med. Thomas Brunk Gastroenterology Berlin What is the Bravo™ Reflux Test System used for? The BRAVO capsule is an innovative, ambulatory, capsule-based pH test system that records esophageal pH data for up to 96 hours. It is an...

Small intestine video capsule endoscopy

Small intestine video capsule endoscopy Dr. med. Thomas Brunk Gastroenterology Berlin What is a small bowel video capsule endoscopy? A small intestine video capsule endoscopy is an examination of the small intestine using a small camera built into a capsule. The...


Ileo-colonoscopy Dr. med. Thomas Brunk Gastroenterology Berlin What is a colonoscopy? A colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the colon and rectum. A thin, flexible tube with a camera and a light source is inserted into the bowel via the anus. The images are...